Creating Locations

Creating Locations

  1. Sign into PnC Web App

  2. Navigate to PnCAdmin → Scheduling → Locations

  3. Click +Add

  4. Location name is Agency abbreviation - Location Name (ASU-Memorial Union)

  5. Location Abbreviation is abbreviated Location name (MU)

  6. Facility is tied to the facility that was created for this agency

  7. Select if this location will be for Appointments, Mass tester location, Chart location or all 3

    1. Read through intake form and determine the permissions to set, eg:

      1. if the facility is using online appointment then most likely it is a testing facility

      2. If there are Mass Testers then they need the Mass Tester role.

  8. Skip Appointments at this location should check in at, we will come back to this.

  9. Additional Agencies should be set if this location is going to be used for multiagency testing

    1. Multiagency locations are locations where multiple agencies can get tested (ASU MU for employees, affiliates, and partners) Still in development

  10. Location description is the address of the physical location that the testing is taking place. This address will be sent to patients to remind them where to go.

  11. Skip Printers

  12. Skip Walk in Provider we will come back to this

  13. Save

  14. Go back to the Location and set the Appointments at this location should check in at to this Location

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