Adding a new Population to ASUResearch Instance

Adding a new Population to ASUResearch Instance

Onboarding a new population in Research PnC

Go to PnC Admin
Go to Patient Population
Provide a Population Name, population type is Manually Maintained population, Population Description is needed
Click Save

Go to Visit Types
Visit Type is the formal name of the study
Visity type short name is the nickname
Default length is the length of the appointment
Length Min is the minimum length
Length Max is the max time that can be reserved for the appt
Length Inc is the incriments of time counted for the appt
Color Code is the color that this will be on the schedule
Schedule activity is COVID-19
Visit Type Reporting Class is COVID-19 Research
Required Department is COVID-19 TESTING
Scroll down to Lab Panels
Select the Lab Panels that will be available in the Mass Tester (Saliva, NP, Anterior Nasal, etc.)
Choose the Ordering Provider (typically the location that will be used for collection)
Scroll down to Profile
Check Appointment Visit
Check Pre-Scheduled booking, appointment type is Patient (Individual), Project Selection is None, check Patient Visit, Auto Session Count, Patient Can Schedule Via Open Communicator, and Mass Tester Visit
Scroll down to Booking Restrictions
Limit to the population you created earlier
if desired set the other limits of bookings per day, days between visits, max allowed appts, and lead in time for bookings (typically 16 hours)
Click Save

Go to Providers
Select the provider for the location samples will be collected at
Go to the Provider Setup tab
Under Provider Visit Types check the visit type we just created
Click Save

Go to Appointment Built in Page
Click Add
Name is the formal name
Description is the same as before
Chose the Visit Type we created earlier
Chose the visit length
Resource choose COVID-19
Department choose COVID-19 Testing
Alt Visit Type Choose the same visit type from before
Click Save

Go to Simple Branching Page
Select COVID Research Populations
Scroll down to Branching Page Items
Click Add
Name is the name that participants will see
Short name is the nickname
Sort number is the number of studies x10 (count the branching page items)
target typ eis built in page
built in page will be the built in page you just created
limit to population is the population you created
Click Save
Click Save

Go to PnC Schedule
Under the right hamburger icon choose Edit Schedule Template
Change the Provider (green box) to the provider for the location you are going to be collecting at (usually the same name as the location c115, b187, etc)
Under the right hamberger icon change the view to Basic
Click on the green schedule block and on the left side check the visit type you just created, do this for all green schedule blocks making sure to get before and after lunch blocks
Click Save in the top right corner
Enter a description of what you just did
Click OK
Under the right hamburger click back to schedule

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