Research Geocoding From customizable dataset

Research Geocoding From customizable dataset

  1. Take the report set in PnC Reports

  2. Add in tblPatientAddress.AddressTypeID, then decide which of the addresses you intend to geocode. You can browse the index via ctblAddresstype.AddressTypeName to find out what AddressTypeID=1,2, etc mean.

  3. Add a record selection criteria that conforms to the above target data, ie tblPatientAdress.AddressTypeID = 1

  4. Add the additional columns, in this order, : tblPatientAddress.AddressLine1, tblPatientAddress.AddressLine2, tblPatientAddress.City, tblPatientAddress.State, tblPatientAddress.Zip

  5. Export the report to csv, with headings sans totals.

  6. Open the csv in excel DO NOT CONVERT (at no point during this process should you convert).

  7. Use =CONCAT to merge the address into the following format in a single column with a header that says "address" : 1234 Main St #202, Phoenix, Arizona 85001

  8. Open Powershell and enter start docker desktop

  9.  Run docker run --rm=TRUE -v //c/Users/bnussle/Documents/degauss://tmp ghcr.io/degauss-org/geocoder FILE_NAME.csv changing out the username in the file directory and the name of the document in question.

  10. If you did this correctly, degauss will have created a separate file with a derivative name such as FILE_NAME_geocoder_3.3.0_score_threshold_0.5.csv

  11. Open this file and ensure that the data has correctly inserted.

  12. If everything is fine, we will now overlay the census bracketed geocodes to this file NOT TO THE ORIGINAL FILE as the original file will fail.

  13. Run docker run --rm=TRUE -v //c/Users/bnussle/Documents/degauss://tmp ghcr.io/degauss-org/census_block_group FILE_NAME_geocoder_3.3.0_score_threshold_0.5.csv again changing out the relevant variables as in step 9.

  14. If you did this correctly, degauss will have created a third file with a further derivative name such as FILE_NAME_geocoder_3.3.0_score_threshold_0.5_census_block_group_0.6.0_2010.csv

  15. Delete all identifying columns as required per project.

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