User Creation/Roles

User Creation/Roles


  1. PnCAdmin-> Users

  2. Copy permissions from the new user’s colleague, if no such person is available, select a role from below:

    1. Mass Tester level 1 - Most field staff should be this role.

    2. Mass Tester level 2 - Most field staff leads should be this role

    3. Mass Tester Reports - sometimes given to staff leads to do accounting for daily collection volumes.

    4. Mass Tester with Registration - should be added if a site is registering walk-ons (this is rare).

    5. No other roles should be granted to anyone, by anyone other than a PnC Administrator.

  3. User Name should be Firstname.Lastname

  4. Password can be whatever default password so long as “User Must Change Password at Next Logon” is checked.

  5. User Permissions should have been allocated to users by their selected role. Specific addition of permissions should also only be done by a PnC Administrator.

  6. In some cases users may need to be specifically allocated to facilities which are different from their placement via agency, but this should be skipped unless asked for specifically.

  7. Select the agency the user will be working for from the Primary Agency dropdown.

  8. Rarely some users may be in 2 different agencies, select the secondary agency as required if specifically requested.

  9. Security Divisions: select COVID-19 Testing.

Generally speaking, at this point, new users should almost always be copied from existing users with whom they ought to share permissions

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