More Resources from the Research Technology Office

More Resources from the Research Technology Office

The Research Technology Office (RTO) provides best-in-class technological solutions and services that ensure that science at ASU is technologically advanced and protected. You can learn more about the Research Technology Office here: Home - Research Technology Office .ย 

Research Computing, Facilitation, and Acceleration

Research Computing, Research Engagement, and the Computational Research Accelerator provide several advanced computational resources and services to advance your research. These services include accessing ASUโ€™s powerful supercomputers, guidance and training on how to use these systems, proposal support, consultations on research acceleration, and more: https://links.asu.edu/services.

You can learn more about Research Computing here: https://researchcomputing.asu.edu/ .

Accessing the Supercomputer

To create an account and gain access to the supercomputers, please go here:


After requesting your account, please register and attend our Beginner's Guide to Research Computing workshop.

Workshops and Training

Research Computing offers a variety of workshops and training on how to use the supercomputer:


Previous recordings from our annual Research Computing Expo can be found here:Research Computing Expo.

The KE Secure Cloud

Health research activity among our state universities and clinical partners continues to grow, prompting an increase in demand for qualified health data services and infrastructure. The KE Secure Cloud improves our ability to support multi-institutional collaboration, computationally intensive analysis, and a wide variety of additional secure project formats. It consists of several different services, such as ASRE Virtual Desktops and the Aloe Supercomputer. The environment is designed to be fully compliant with FERPA, HIPAA and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) requirements.

Learn more here:
KE Secure Cloud

Academic Course Support:

Faculty can request that their academic courses be supported on Research Computingโ€™s systems here:

You can learn more about this offering here: https://asurc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RC/pages/1691811841


Check what software is currently available on the supercomputers:


For GitHub access, create a free enterprise account by signing up with your ASU email address GitHub ยท Build and ship software on a single, collaborative platform.

Getting Help

Research Computing offers office hours every Tuesday (and Wednesday during the academic year) from 1 - 3:30 PM through Zoom. Information on office hours and documentation can be found here:

Research Computing.

Research Data Management

The Research Data Management (RDM) offers a variety of data management services including data plan preparation and data needs assessments. RDM offers an accessible self-service storage selector which can help you identify the most appropriate storage option for the research data you collect: https://researchstorage.asu.edu/.ย 

You can learn more about Research Data Management here: RDM Home - Research Technology Office.

Additional Help



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