Research Computing Expo

Research Computing Expo

ASU Research Computing maintains an institutionally-supported advanced computing system that enables ASU researchers to pursue large-scale discovery. The increased speed and scale of these resources have made this processing power more accessible and easy to use.

Research Computing sponsors an annual expo to prepare students, staff, and faculty for usage of the ASU supercomputer. The intent of this Expo is to inspire and motivate our research community to use Research Computing's supercomputing systems and to showcase the important applications of these powerful resources. This event will include in-depth & interactive training for vital topics such as using the web portal, the Linux command line, the software module system, job submission, job benchmarking, job profiling, job monitoring, tools for submitting a large number of jobs, as well as how to leverage hardware such as graphics processing units (GPUs) and high memory nodes.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions on what you would like to see next year (rtshelp@asu.edu) and invite you to join us at our annual Research Computing Expo! 

Materials and recordings from our previous Expos can be found below:
2021 Research Computing Expo
2022 Research Computing Expo