MATLAB Clipboard


MATLAB on Linux has a unique set of default keyboard shortcuts that may be changed to the more typical control+c/v in two ways. The first way involves updating (or creating) a file on your home filesystem while the second way involves changing preferences through the graphical user interface (GUI).

To update MATLAB’s preferences without the GUI, modify or create the following file (and directory structure if necessary) ~/.matlab/R2021a/matlab.prf with the following base contents

#MATLAB Preferences #Fri Oct 29 16:00:00 MST 2021 CurrentKeyBindingSet=SWindows

This will update the preferences for a VERSION of MATLAB, specifically, R2021a, however the method may be generalized to other versions of MATLAB.

To update MATLAB’s preferences within the GUI, find the gear symbol labeled “Preferences” in the MATLAB GUI’s main ribbon, then navigate to “Keyboard > Shortcuts > Active settings” and change the option in the dropdown to “Windows Default Set”, then hit “Apply”. The screenshot below may serve as a point of reference.

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