Using /tmp in Aloe

Using /tmp in Aloe

/tmp is a common place for files to be generated to be used by applications for temporary, non-permanent storage.

For the safety of the data that exists in this highly-regulated secure environment, special measures are put in place for /tmp. Specifically in this environment, /tmp is created and destroyed on a job-by-by basis. This means:

  • /tmpis pristine and clean at the start of a job--no files exist within this space.

  • /tmp is available to all jobs, but on the backend, each /tmp is completely and entirely independent.
    Job A can read/write to /tmp (which belongs to Job A) and Job B can read/write to /tmp (which belongs to job B), but Job A cannot read job B’s /tmp or vice versa.

  • /tmp for each job is cleared on job completion; there is no recovery for files left in this space when the job ends.