Installing Software
Aloe is a supercomputer that uses a software module system to quickly load and unload software from the environment. If there is software that is needed for research purposes that is not already available on the supercomputer via a module or package, you may be able to compile it yourself. If not, please submit a request at for assistance or to have it installed as a module.
Linux Packages Managers: dnf / yum / apt-get / zypper
Using a package manager requires root / sudo access and is not available to users on Aloe. If you require a package that is only available with a package manager, please submit a request at for assistance.
Compiling Software
Many software packages are relatively simple compilations or maintain pre-build binaries. Aloe runs on Rocky 8, which is bug-for-bug compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and generally compatible with software that is designed for RHEL 8 / Fedora 28 / CentOS 8 / AlmaLinux. If selecting pre-build binaries, look for ones that mention these distributions. Ubuntu packages are not compatible with Aloe.
Most software that can be compiled in your home directory generally consists of
git clone
cd reponame
Specific steps for each piece of software may vary. Submit a request at for assistance.
Python Packages
Python packages can be installed into a mamba environment from conda-forge. See Working with Python for more information on working with Python.
R Packages
R packages can be installed from the mirror
When installing in RStudio Desktop GUI, this is automatically the default mirror. When installing from the R CLI, this mirror must be explicitly set before installing packages
> options(repos = "")
> install.packages("packagename")
See Working with R for more information on working with R.