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Opt-Out Announcements
All users will receive a monthly training announcement for workshops and other events of interest to the ASU Research Computing community. These announcements will have the subject line, “Upcoming Events with ASU Research Computing“. To opt out of these announcement, please follow these instructions:
Click the link to unsubscribe in the “Upcoming Events with ASU Research Computing“ email.
Following the instructions given to you by the webpage.
Unselect “Events and Training“ and then update your preferences.
Note: Do not select “Unsubscribe from All Emails“. Please see the “Unsubscribe from All Communications” section for more details.
If you require assistance with opting out of these announcements, please forward the “Upcoming Events with ASU Research Computing“ create a support ticket at our RTO Request Help page, and request to be unsubscribed.
Opt-In Announcements
ASU Research Computing offers the following opt-in mailing lists for announcements:
See this webpage for instructions on how to subscribe to these opt-in announcements.
Unsubscribe from All Communications
To unsubscribe from all email communications related to maintenance and outages, please view this webpage for instructions. Please note that if you choose to opt out of these notifications, your account and any account under your sponsorship will be locked. ASU Research Computing will work with you and your sponsored accounts to complete offboarding procedures. <div id="mc_embed_shell">
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