Versions Compared


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Code Block
$ showsimg
Available Images:

afni-22.2.12.sif              megahit-1.2.9.sif
alphafold.sif                 metaphage.sif
aspect.sif                    metaphage-v2.sif
aspect-tester.sif             neo4j_4.4.27-community.sif
beast-1.10.4.sif              nfcore-eager-2.4.7.sif
carla-0.9.15.sif              nfcore-eager-2.5.0.sif
carla_latest.sif              nvhpl.sif
centos-6.sif                  parabricks-4.0.sif
centos-7.9.sif                pecube-d.sif
centos-8.sif                  persvade_v1.02.6.sif
clara-parabricks_4.1.0-1.sif  polysolver.sif
debian-11.3.sif               polysolver-singularity_v4.sif
deepvariant_1.5.0-gpu.sif     python
deepvariant_1.5.0.sif         qe-7.1.sif
ensembl-vep-108.2.sif         qsiprep.sif
ensembl-vep.sif               rhel-8.sif
flexbar-3.5.0.sif             rhel-9.sif
fmriprep.sif                  spy
gamess_17.09.sif              spython.sif
gemBS                         stablediffusion_automatic1111.sif
gemBS.sif                     tensorflow_latest-gpu.sif
google_colab.sif              ubuntu-22.04.sif
gromacs_2022.3.sif            vep.sif
irods-icommands.sif           yade-2023.02a.sif

Syntax:  $ SIMG=ubuntu-22.04 classic-interactive

Step 2: Launch the Apptainer Container and Enter a Terminal Prompt


Code Block
SIMG=ubuntu-22.04 classic-interactive

Of course, depending on the application you are interested in, you will want to change the image and interactive parameters to suit your workflow, for example:

Code Block
$ SIMG=fmriprep.sif classic-interactive -c 4

$ SIMG=tensorflow_latest-gpu.sif classic-interactive --gres=gpu:a100:4


Code Block
$ SIMG=fmriprep.sif classic-interactive
Waiting for JOBID 9899771 to start
Apptainer> ls
.bashrc    .bash_profile    .bash_history
Apptainer> fmriprep --help
... omitted extra lines ...

fMRIPrep: fMRI PREProcessing workflows v21.0.3

Apptainer> whoami
Apptainer> ls /scratch/wdizon/
letsbuildwrf/   wrf_compiles/

As the above output shows, though your terminal prompt is different, your user remains the same as your logged-in ASURITE. This means the applications (which are still inside the container) can read, write, and modify files within your Sol $HOME and scratch directories. Only files saved to these locations will be kept when you leave the container.

For additional examples of using Apptainer containers:




Additional Help

If you require further assistance on this topic, please don't hesitate to contact the Research Computing Team. To create a support ticket, kindly send an email to For quick inquiries, you're welcome to reach out via our #rc-support Slack Channel or attend our office hours for live assistance

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