Versions Compared


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Apptainer and Singularity refer to the same container technology, with Apptainer being the current branding. apptainer Apptainer binaries are available on all compute nodes. You can use a login node to execute the following instructions, which will start the container on a compute node.


To display all available images, you can use the following command from the any Sol node:

Code Block
$ showsimg
Available Images:

afni-22.2.12.sif              megahit-1.2.9.sif
alphafold.sif                 metaphage.sif
aspect.sif                    metaphage-v2.sif
aspect-tester.sif             neo4j_4.4.27-community.sif
beast-1.10.4.sif              nfcore-eager-2.4.7.sif
carla-0.9.15.sif              nfcore-eager-2.5.0.sif
carla_latest.sif              nvhpl.sif
centos-6.sif                  parabricks-4.0.sif
centos-7.9.sif                pecube-d.sif
centos-8.sif                  persvade_v1.02.6.sif
clara-parabricks_4.1.0-1.sif  polysolver.sif
debian-11.3.sif               polysolver-singularity_v4.sif
deepvariant_1.5.0-gpu.sif     python
deepvariant_1.5.0.sif         qe-7.1.sif
ensembl-vep-108.2.sif         qsiprep.sif
ensembl-vep.sif               rhel-8.sif
flexbar-3.5.0.sif             rhel-9.sif
fmriprep.sif                  spy
gamess_17.09.sif              spython.sif
gemBS                         stablediffusion_automatic1111.sif
gemBS.sif                     tensorflow_latest-gpu.sif
google_colab.sif              ubuntu-22.04.sif
gromacs_2022.3.sif            vep.sif
irods-icommands.sif           yade-2023.02a.sif

Syntax:  $ SIMG=ubuntu-22.04 classic-interactive

Step 2: Launch the Apptainer


Container and


Enter a


Terminal Prompt

To launch one of the images onto a compute node for interactive work you can do the following, as described at the bottom of the previous output:

Code Block
SIMG=ubuntu-22.04 classic-interactive

Of course, depending on the application you are interested in, you will want to change the image and interactive parameters to suit your workflow, e.g.,for example:

Code Block
$ SIMG=fmriprep.sif classic-interactive -c 4

$ SIMG=tensorflow_latest-gpu.sif classic-interactive --gres=gpu:a100:4


Once your job has been allocated resources, you will be presented with a new prompt, indicating you are inside the container:

Code Block
$ SIMG=fmriprep.sif classic-interactive
Waiting for JOBID 9899771 to start
Apptainer> ls
.bashrc    .bash_profile    .bash_history
Apptainer> fmriprep --help
... omitted extra lines ...

fMRIPrep: fMRI PREProcessing workflows v21.0.3

Apptainer> whoami
Apptainer> ls /scratch/wdizon/
letsbuildwrf/   wrf_compiles/

As the above output shows, thought though your terminal prompt is different, your user remains the same as your logged-in ASURITE. This means the applications (which are still inside the container) can read, write, and modify files within your Sol $HOME and scratch directories. When you leave the container, only Only files saved to these locations will be kept when you leave the container.

Additional Help

If you require further assistance on this topic, please don't hesitate to contact the Research Computing Team. To create a support ticket, kindly send an email to For quick inquiries, you're welcome to reach out via our #rc-support Slack Channel or attend our office hours for live assistanceFor additional examples of using Apptainer containers:




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