Running MPI Software on Phx
Depending on the MPI stack used to build the application, the process of running MPI software will differ. Below is a concise guide outlining the various MPI stacks along with the corresponding module and run commands to employ.
openmpi 4.1.5 / hpcx 2.17.1
Load with: module load openmpi/4.1.5
or module load hpcx/2.17.1
Run with: srun --export=ALL --mpi=pmix "./my-simulation"
Built with gcc-12.3.0
Provides: OpenMPI 4.1.5 compilers
Example script: /packages/public/phx-sbatch-templates/template/example-mpi-with-hpcx-job/
mpich 4.1.2
Load with: module load mpich/4.1.2
Run with: mpirun -launcher slurm "./my-simulation"
Built with gcc-12.3.0
Provides: MPICH 4.1.2 compilers
Example script: /packages/public/phx-sbatch-templates/template/example-mpi-with-mpich-job/
Note: If using the Hydra Process ManagerYou may need to add export HYDRA_LAUNCHER_EXTRA_ARGS="--export=ALL"
intel oneapi 2022.1.0
Load with: module load intel/oneapi
Run with: mpiexec.hydra -genvall "./my-simulation"
Built with gcc-12.3.0
Packaged with: mpiicx
Provides: Intel MPI Compilers
Example script: /packages/public/phx-sbatch-templates/template/example-mpi-with-intel-job/
Note: There have been seen a few cases where users have needed to add the following to their job scripts:
export FI_PROVIDER=verbs #Multi-node jobs only
export FI_PROVIDER=smh #Single-node jobs only