Your first time using an High-performance Computing environment (HPC) like Aloe can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be: this guide will get you started with the basics.
This article will assume a basic familiarity with the Linux command line. If you are new to linux, or need a refresher, RC has created a guide on git called The Linux Shell; the instructions provided are general enough and apply to the Aloe supercomputer.
This document also assumes you already have requested and been granted an account. If not, please see the Creating a User Account page.
Please also familiarize yourself with our Required Trainings and Acceptable Use Policy before getting started.
Connection Methods
[POWER USERS] The Shell | [RECOMMENDED] The Web Portal: |
What is this? •Traditional supercomputing interface | What is this? •Well defined options for file system and job management •Full documentation browser tab away •Simplified access to modern interfaces like Jupyter/Rstudio/MATLAB/etc |
Benefits: •Provides superior file system and job submission, editing, processing, monitoring tools | Benefits: |
Disadvantages: •Requires knowledge of available commands and some level of nuance | Disadvantages: |
Quick Start
For users who have never used any HPC environment before, we would recommend reading through the detailed start.
For those who wish to get started quickly, here is the general overview: