Code Block |
$ SIMG=gamess_17.09 classic-interactive |
Code Block |
$ SIMG=gamess_17.09.sif classic-interactive
Waiting for JOBID 11272717 to start
Apptainer> cd /usr/local/bin/gamess
Apptainer> ls
DEVELOPERS.md Makefile REFS.DOC auxdata config lked
INPUT.DOC Makefile.in TESTS.DOC bin gamess.cchem.00.x runall
INTRO.DOC PROG.DOC _VERSION_ comp gms-files.csh rungms
IRON.DOC README.md actvte.f compall install.info tests
Apptainer> |
Code Block |
SIMG=gamess_17.09 classic-interactive |
The above line is a shorthand command for both interactive
as well as apptainer exec ...
. This means that you may modify this line to match the resources you may need for your compute, e.g.,