Creating a custom Jupyter kernel on Agave

This page documents how to run a shell command to enable access to a custom Python environment within Jupyter (as accessed through our Agave webapp: This page assumes that the user is familiar with Anaconda and already has an environment ready to interface with Jupyter. For more on using or creating conda environments see: . For a page detailing how to use conda environments with Jupyter see:


Suppose I want to install my own custom environment called kaiju_example as a jupyter kernel with the display name Kaiju. From the shell run I would need to run:

mkjupy kaiju_example "Kaiju"

After successfully installing the kernel, launch Jupyter through the webapp and select “Kaiju” from the interface.

This will only work if the environment is already installed in the user’s home or project based storage directory. To use a new admin installed environment from within Jupyter, please open a ticket with the request by emailing: