Tarballing (Archiving Data)


The amount of time to schedule is problem dependent. The sbatch flag -t 300 specifying 300 minutes of scheduled time was pedagogically supplied and is problem dependent. Your own job may need significantly less time, or potentially more.

Without compression (good for binary data)

sbatch -t 300 --wrap="tar cvf mytarball.tar paths/ to/ be/ tarred/"

The above command will submit a command to a compute node in the serial partition that requests 1 core for 5 hours (300 minutes). The command will create the uncompressed archive mytarball.tar that contains the contents of the paths specified.

With compression (good for ASCII data)


sbatch -t 300 --wrap="tar czvf mytarball.tgz paths/ to/ be/ tarred/"

The above command will submit a command to a compute node in the serial partition that requests 1 core for 5 hours (300 minutes). The command will create the gzipped compressed archive mytarball.tgz that contains the contents of the paths specified.