Getting Access to the ASU Supercomputers

Getting Access to the ASU Supercomputers

Access to the ASU Supercomputers

The ASU supercomputers are available to all ASU faculty members, staff, students, and affiliates for research and learning. Please note that students and certain staff must be sponsored by a faculty member in order to have access to the supercomputers.

How do I request an account?

To obtain an account on the supercomputers, an account request form must be completed. You will be asked to agree to the Research Computing Policy before submitting your request. This form can be found on the RTO Request Help website.

Once the form is submitted, your request will be reviewed and your account will be created within two business days. An email with onboarding instructions will be sent to you once your account is ready.

If you are an instructor with an academic course, please see this document on requesting academic course support and accounts for your students.

Account Aging Process

Accounts on the supercomputers are checked at the end of each semester for faculty, staff, and students who are no longer with the University. All old accounts are locked to prevent those users the ability to log onto the supercomputer. If your account is locked and you require extended access to the supercomputer, see additional help below.

Additional Help

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