Using Software Modules

There are many software packages installed on the RC supercomputer that are available through the software modules system.

New packages are added regularly.

Modules that install into/through python or anaconda are not managed through the software modules. To see if we have a conda environment for a python program load an anaconda module and list conda environments e.g.

module load anaconda3-2021.05-gcc-11.2.0
conda info --envs

You can also create and manage your own conda environments. For more information see

Listing available modules

The following commands will list the software modules that are available on Agave:

module -l avail


$ module -l avail - Package/Alias -----------------------.- Versions --------.- Last mod. ------- /packages/modulefiles: jupyter/2022-04-15 2022/04/15 21:36:08 jupyter/latest 2022/04/15 21:36:08 mamba/0.22.1 2022/04/15 21:40:41 /packages/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-rocky8-zen: gcc-11.2.0-gcc-8.5.0 2022/04/20 09:40:44 /packages/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-rocky8-zen3: anaconda3-2021.05-gcc-11.2.0 2022/04/20 09:40:43 blaze-3.8-gcc-11.2.0 2022/04/20 09:40:44 bowtie-1.3.0-gcc-11.2.0 2022/04/20 09:40:44 bowtie2-2.4.2-gcc-11.2.0 2022/04/20 09:40:44 bzip2-1.0.8-gcc-11.2.0 2022/04/20 09:40:44 curl-7.79.0-gcc-11.2.0 2022/04/20 09:40:44 dmidecode-3-2-gcc-11.2.0 2022/04/20 09:40:44 dos2unix-7.4.2-gcc-11.2.0 2022/04/20 09:40:44 ...

Loading a module

The following command will load the module for gcc 6.5.0

module load gcc-6.5.0-gcc-11.2.0

Previously, on Agave, modules are listed like “gcc/6.5.0”, while on Sol the name is extended and uses hyphens (-) This is because package installer suite called Spack is employed to help manage applications. The new module name now adds on the suffix of the compiler used to compile a given program. While the package name has become more lengthy, this greatly reduces runtime incompatibilities by ensuring that an app and all dependencies are using a uniform compiler.

Listing Loaded Modules

The following command will list the modules that are currently loaded:

Purging Loaded Modules

To clear out the modules that are currently loaded, perhaps because you want to load others, use the following command:

Using Modules in SBATCH scripts

Many sbatch scripts will include a module load command as part of the script.

An example of this can be found here: Creating SBATCH scripts.