On a compatible web browser open this link:https://oodaloe.asre.rc.asu.edu/
Once logged in you will see this home screen:
There are a few options in the navigation bar to get you started
This will connect to your home directory.
Active Jobs: This will show all of the active jobs that are running on the supercomputer
Interactive Apps
Allows jobs with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as Aloe Desktop, Matlab, RStudio Desktop, SAS, Stata, and Jupyter.
Aloe Shell Access: This will launch an interactive terminal session on one of the Aloe login nodes.
Aloe Status: This is the status page of the Aloe supercomputer. This status page lists all of the available nodes on the supercomputer and if they are currently free, allocated, or down.
My Interactive Sessions:
This will show all of the interactive sessions that you have open on the supercomputer.
All Apps:
One single page to have all of the available options in a single place.